1. Providing an opportunity for kids to participate and excel in skiing and riding.

                                    The Boomauger program, supported by the King's Kids Fund  & generous contributions of organizations like the Killington World Cup Foundation

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                                    Narrow Gauge Webcam

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                                    and have fun, too.

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                                    Social Events, Competitions,

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                                    Individual Results

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                                    Team Standings

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                                    Ribbon Cutting for the Bill & Joan Alfond Competition Center - l. to r.: Bob Luce, Karl Strand, Bruce Miles, Joan and Bill Alfond, Kate Punderson, Earle Morse

                                    Our Mission: The mission of the Sugarloaf Ski Club is to provide the opportunity for all youth to participate and excel in skiing and snowboarding, promote community building events, support competition, and preserve the history and heritage of the mountain.





                                    Upstairs in The Bill and Joan Alfond Competition Center


                                    9008 Main Street

                                    Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947

                                    © 2023 Sugarloaf Ski Club

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